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20 Lynch St., Brampton, ON, L6W 2Z8

Welcome to the
PoET Project Website

Here you will find information about the Prevention of Error-based Transfers (PoET) project, an ethics quality improvement project that assists Ontario long-term care homes to align their habits, practices, and policies with Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act.

The PoET Project helps Ontario long-term care homes to meet their obligations related to consent, capacity, and substitute decision making.  We do this by helping homes to implement changes to their decision-making environment, by providing education and other knowledge-based activities, and by engaging different stakeholders to encourage role clarity in decision making.

We work with each new home individually – by learning who works there, how they are currently doing things, why they are doing things that way, and helping them to design and test changes related to consent, capacity, and substitute decision making.

Our results show that this individualized approach is associated with a reduction in unnecessary and unwanted transfers to hospital, which is good for long term care residents, and good for Ontario’s health care system.

We are happy you’re here!

First time here?  Not sure where to begin?

Here are a few suggestions of places to start:

  • We have a booklet “Who makes decisions about your treatment?”
  • We have videos that discuss decision making in Ontario
  • We have information about substitute decision making
  • We have monthly webinars called “20&10” that provide information about treatment decision making in Ontario to long-term care residents and family members
  • We have information about the role of the substitute decision maker
  • We have videos that discuss decision making in Ontario
  • We have information about substitute decision making
  • We have monthly webinars called “20&10” that provide information about treatment decision making in Ontario to long-term care residents and family members

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please let us know!

[email protected]

Thank You to Our Partners

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PoET Project

If you’d like to receive information regarding the PoET Project, please fill out the form, and we’ll email you within 24 hours of receiving it. Thank you.

Production of this website has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.

 This website is provided for general information. It should not be interpreted as medical or legal advice.

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